Understanding Your Back Tension

Family hiking through the Pacific Northwest.

Pain or Discomfort: Understanding back tension can feel daunting. That’s why I’m here.

Much of my work revolves around the dynamic and complex relationship between pain and movement. In the short term, pain affects movement by limiting duration, speed and variability; However, this may be counterproductive in the long term. When our muscles cannot perform the tasks we need them to, our bodies will find other ways, other muscle pathways, to perform those tasks. This is a common occurrence and often precipitates a low back injury. Low back pain often results from a lengthening of the lumbar spine muscles and a resulting instability in the spine. This lengthening occurs most often due to the body adapting its movement strategy and compensating over long periods of time. Let me help you find healthy movement patterns to ease your back pain and rebuild your strength and confidence.

Movement is healing; intrinsic to our bodies.

When movement is limited due to pain and instability your overall health is diminished. Pilates is a movement practice that focuses on stabilization, control, and strength in healthy movement. It is a method of exercise that you can maintain throughout your life. Picture what you want your life to look like, your movement to feel like 10 years from now. And now ask yourself if the habits that you have today are serving your purpose. Remember that your habits are just that, habits, and they can change. However, if you allow those habits to perpetuate they can dictate your form and affect the functionality of your body in the future.

do your future self a favor


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